Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Lunacy of the "Living Wage"

One thing I find really disturbing in recent weeks is the revival of that conversation about that Marxist concept they call the “living wage”. If for some reason you're not familiar with it (with the President's disciples out pimping it, it seems unlikely you would not have run into it), the idea behind it is you and your neighbor are somehow owed a living by your employer or that individual that is "lucky" enough to be blessed with your talents.

The problem with the concept is that the entire emphasis is all about what you are going to receive. Without any regard to the value you are providing. The emphasis always seems to be that someone owes it to you (it is very similar to the conversations about government and what they "owe" you). That seems so incredibly perverted to me.

As opposed to a more responsible paradigm: You being responsible for your own living, and being primarily concerned with what You are going to do in order to get what it is You desire. What skills you will provide, how many hours you will work, what are you willing to do to improve your skills, what you are willing to give up (in terms of your personal life, flexibility, and other comforts) in order to do it? Do you plan on working harder or smarter during the hours you do work? Can you invent something or provide a service that other people will pay for so you don't even have to work for a "wage"?

And once you answer those questions, can you come to a voluntary agreement with the parties you interact with in order to see what the fruits of your labor or ingenuity might bear? As opposed to using the political process to make demands by law or other kinds of force.

Wouldn't that be a refreshing conversation?

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