Friday, September 11, 2009

Sound Good While Saying Nothing!!!

You want to be able to sound good, yet say nothing like the president? Rich Lowry of National Review gives us a quick rundown of how to do it.

An Obama Speech in 13 Easy Steps

Best of luck in your career as a demagogue!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

What is (or isn't) a Right?

I hear more talk from people about what they have a "right" to in this society than I have in a long time, and they are being egged on by our socialist-in-chief and his friends in Congress. I especially like it when they put the word "right" in the same sentence as the nebulous word "need".

But let's talk about a right: if you or someone else has to take whatever it is we're talking about (or the resources to get it) from me or someone else in order for you to have it, then what you're talking about isn't a right at all.

Can you imagine the reaction of majority of the world's people who get by on a few dollars per day, should they be forced to listen to the arrogant Americans drone on about their "right" to the things in this society which so many of us are so fortunate to be able to access?

It is both dumbfounding and disturbing to me.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

GWB - A Presidency to Forget

Here is a good quick read by Doug Casey summarizing some of the "highlights" of G.W. Bush's presidency.

Baby Bush: The Worst President in History?

Contrary to all the rhetoric in the media, from his oppponents, and even from Mr. Bush himself, this president presided over one of the biggest expansions of government in history. His administration presided over massive increases in spending on social programs, subsidies, corporate bailouts, and no-win wars. There were massive new bureaucracies introduced, more regulations introduced to further burden already beleaguered financial markets , and chilling new intrusions foisted upon people's liberties and privacy.

What is curious to me is that all of this damage was accomplished in the name of such principles as "American values", "free markets", "capitalism", and "conservatism", and fooled many people into believing this is what it looks like when those words are used. Nothing could be further from the truth. After a couple of decades of incremental advances, statism took major steps forward under the G.W. Bush Administration. In the meantime, the springboard was provided for current administration to launch their brand of statist socialism, while proclaiming the failures of liberty, capitalism, and free markets. Unfortunately, that will be Bush's legacy in the end.